This article provides a detailed explanation on how to link your 3DMG construction equipment with the project site to automatically obtain construction history data.
By automatically linking your 3DMG construction history data to the project site, you can check the progress of construction.
Procedures and Explanation
*To automatically link 3DMG construction history data, the jobsite information in Smart Construction Pilot Web must match the jobsite information in Smart Construction Dashboard.
[Application: Smart Construction Dashboard]
1. In Smart Construction Dashboard, click on 【"1"Settings】 and go to "Jobsite Info" and check 【"2" Site ID】.
[Application: Smart Construction Pilot Web] * Note that the application will change.
2. Click on "Smart Construction Pilot" from the Customer Portal site.
3. 【"1"Search】 for 【"2"the name of the Smart Construction Dashboard job site】 from the site list and select it.
4. Confirm that the site name matches the same site name on the Smart Construction Dashboard.
The ID is displayed in the URL bar.
If it does not match, automatic linkage cannot be set up. In this case, check again that the correct site is searched.
Site ID
5. Select 【"1"the "Machines】tab and click 【"2"the add】 button.
6. Click 【"1"the check boxes】 of the 3DMG machine to be automatically linked and add it.
Automatic linkage is now complete.
7. After the construction is completed, be sure to 【"1"Disconnect from site】 on the Pilot Web.
As-built data
An As-built data is displayed in orange. Only the lowest point of the trajectory of the 3DMG bucket on which the construction was carried out is reflected
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