This article provides a detailed explanation on how to output the construction history data stored in the application in order to make use of it.
By outputting the accumulated data, it can be used in other applications and for reexamining the construction process during the construction phase.
Procedures and Explanation
Output of stored construction history
1. Click on 【"1" Data Layer】 in the side panel, 【"2" select the menu item for the date you wish to output,】 click on 【"3" Localized files】 and choose the output format “(.csv)(.las)”.
If multiple machines are in operation, it is not possible to output data for each machine.
Point size of construction history data
Komatsu ICT construction equipment (approx. 0.2m pitch)
3D Machine Guidance by EARTHBRAIN (0.1m pitch)
Output of comprehensive terrain data
1. Click on 【"1" Data layer】 in the side panel, 【"2" select the menu item for the date you wish to output,】 click on 【"3" Merged terrain data (.xml)”,】 and choose the granularity to be output.
Merged terrain data by simplified edition
The simplified version of the landXML data can be output with low, medium, and high granularity for areas that include pre-construction terrain areas and have little change in elevation.
Areas with large terrain changes may not be simplified.
Data before output
Output data
Low Medium High
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