Sometimes surveys do not automatically import to Dashboard due to large file sizes. To start, navigate to your Propeller site to begin retrieving surveys.
- Once you’re on the site (in Propeller), click the drop-down next to “Survey”. Select the survey you need to manually upload.
- On the left side panel, select “Outputs” (last button on side panel, located under the “Media” button) -> “Processing Report”.
- When the report opens, next to “Aeropoints”, make note of the date and time of the upload. This will give you the exact time stamp of the upload. You will need this to match to upload the survey to Dashboard without issue. Once noted, you can close this window.
- Since the “Outputs” panel will still be present, look towards the bottom and select the “Files” button.
- From the window that opens, you will need to download one file each from Terrain tab and the Orthophoto tab (2 files total per survey.)
- For the “Terrain” file, you will need the file named “GeoTiff – DTM – Local Grid” (DTM – not DSM).
- For the “orthophoto” file, you will need the file named “GeoTiff – Local Grid” (large file – typically between 4 – 7gb).
- Once these files are downloaded, navigate back to your project in Dashboard.
- Under the “Data Layers” tab, click the blue “Add Data Layers” button.
- Under “Upload Files”, (this will open a selection screen) then select both files and click Next.
- Under “Asset Type”, click “DTM/DSM survey”. And under time-stamp, enter the date and time you noted in the Processing Report (step 12c), then click “Next”.
- For the first survey, make sure to toggle “Pre-construction”. This will only need to be done for the first survey.
- Next page will show toggles for “Terrain and “Imagery”. For “Terrain”, toggle the one that says “GeoTiff – DTM – Local Grid”. Then click “Import”. This will close the window and start the upload.
This completes the process. You will need to repeat the above steps for every survey you need to upload. A few important notes below:
i. In Dashboard, leave the tab open while it’s uploading, and you are free to resume other work/projects you may have in the meantime on other tabs. (Uploads can take up to anywhere from 30 min - several hours each (depending on size). Make sure to check the upload periodically to make sure it is progressing – you will see a ring icon that will slowly fill up with green. You can also hover your mouse icon over the ring to see the percentage completed. DO NOT refresh the page while the upload is in progress, or it will cancel it and you’ll need to restart the upload from the beginning.
ii. Once the upload is complete, feel free to kick off the next survey until all have been uploaded.
iii. **As noted earlier, the uploads are time consuming and typically can only be completed one at a time without timing out. You are welcome to try but, in my experience, multiples frequently time out. If it does time out, you will need to restart the upload from the beginning.
**You will know if it timed out because a red error will pop up that says “Upload Error: There was an issue uploading your file. Please check your network connectivity and try again”. If this happens, refresh the page and repeat steps 1-13.
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